After four long and arduous years of medical school, to celebrate my graduation, my father purchased a brand new 1983 red Trans Am with a 5.0L 305 V8. I instantly fell in love with the car. I felt part of the car each time I sat in the cockpit and drove it and still do.

The car and I went everywhere together. Over the years, I have used it for every important picture backdrop in my life. We have used it for our outside wedding pictures, when our children came home from the hospital after birth, the first day of school for each child, when friends came over, scouting accomplishments, religious milestones, graduations, etc. I have a wonderful mechanic who knows me and I tell him to “make it new again” and he does. I will never sell my 1983 Trans Am. The blue 1990 fuel injected 5.0L 305 V8 is also a dream car.

When my son turned 16, I could think of no other gift to get him than to get another 3rd generation Trans Am for him. Here is to him recording all of his future memories.

Here are pictures of my three Trans Ams. My 1995 is an LT1 and only has 3,100 miles, my 1990 is a WS6, my 1983 is completely original, no mods, and completely unrestored.