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QUIZ: What Do You Know About Traumatic Injuries and How To Treat Them?

by Jason J. Brown - Tuesday, August 22, 2017

QUIZ: What Do You Know About Traumatic Injuries and How To Treat Them?

Injuries are an unfortunate part of life, especially when facing the unforgiving realities of the outdoors. Those venturing into remote expanses to hunt, fish, trek and explore should be prepared to respond quickly if they or someone in their group is injured – time is of the essence, especially when medical assistance isn’t nearby. In fact, injuries can happen anywhere at any time, and tending to those injuries quickly and properly is the best way to prevent loss of life.

While some outdoor enthusiasts have life-saving training under their belt, others may not be prepared when faced with life-threatening circumstances. To help train those venturing into the unknown, NRA Outdoors has launched the Emergency Casualty Course, a hands-on two-day course designed and taught by veteran special operations medics that equips students with the knowledge, skills and equipment needed to take immediate action and save lives in traumatic and other medical emergencies. 

Imagine you’re on a hunting trip miles from the nearest hospital, and a member of your party suffers a traumatic injury. Would you know what to do to ensure they survive until medical care arrives? The following quiz tests your knowledge of traumatic injuries – see how much you know, and what you could learn in the NRA Outdoors Emergency Casualty Course!

Whether you aced the quiz or not, the NRA Outdoors Emergency Casualty Course will assuredly help build important skills that could help you save your or another’s life in an emergency while hunting, hiking, shooting and more. The next available NRA Outdoors Emergency Casualty Care Course is scheduled for Sept. 16-17, 2017, in Paw Paw, West Virginia. To register for this course or learn more information, click here!