Today Attorney Anthony Bradley will be uncovering some little-known veteran benefits and how to get them. I will be showing you multiple ways you can use your VA financing to invest to build your future.

Terri Murphy will be sharing some ways realtors can equipped and certified to better serve their veteran customers. Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe salutes and honors our US military veterans.

Welcome to Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe.   What aspects of real estate and financing interest You?   Subscribe by emailing me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   We will not sell your email address.  You will be connected to get our weekly blogposts with embedded podcasts and more.

To Your Success,

McKenzie Mortgage RD Loans, Mortgage Loan Officer  and Host of Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe (615) 924-6215



Good morning, Memphis!  Welcome to our internet listeners and podcast listeners across the 50 states! You’re on Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe. I’m your host, McKenzie Mortgage RD Loans, Mortgage Loan Officer.  You can connect with me at   Our general topic is VETERAN HOME LOANS AND OTHER BENEFITS FOR VETERANS AND THE REALTORS WHO SERVE THEM.


We are celebrating the 4th of July and the soldiers and veterans who served our country.  Today Attorney Anthony Bradley will be uncovering some little-known veteran benefits and how to get them. I will be showing you multiple ways you can use your VA financing to invest to build your future. Terri Murphy will be sharing some ways realtors can equipped and certified to better serve their veteran customers. Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe salutes and honors our US military veterans.


In the co-host chair we have a woman who is an icon in real estate across the nation and a real champion for veterans. Terri Murphy co-authored the Certified Military Residential Specialist program for the National Association of Real Estate.  Terri has been active in the Forever Home For Veterans Program.  Here is a woman who has authored several books, hosted radio programs on national platforms, appeared on national networks.   Wow, Terri, I want your autograph after the show today.


We are honored to have Attorney Anthony Bradley in the studio. Anthony Bradley is a real estate and estate attorney and much more with the Bradley Law Firm in Memphis, TN.   But what everyone seems to remember about Anthony is his tireless work to help our military veterans and their families start receiving veteran benefits that they need but may not have known about.   Take a moment and tell our audience a little about yourself Anthony and what you do to help veterans. 


As most of you know, I have been a mortgage officer for almost 30 years.  Some of my happiest stories come from veterans and their families who are buying their first, second or third home. One of my veteran customers has built himself a fortune by buying a home in every place he was stationed.  He has been a career military man and when he was sent to another area of the country, he would keep the house that had been his home and rent it out to tenants through a management company.   He did this over and over and over again.  A couple of decades later this man is quite wealthy and owns several of his former homes free and clear.  He has an income that far surpasses his military income. Today I see pictures of him and his family enjoying life on a white sandy beach, with a fruity drink in his hand and all smiles.   

This customer is not the only veteran that has built their wealth and a cushy retirement buying a home in every city where they were stationed.  The key is knowing what you can and can’t do with a VA Home Loan.  

McKenzie Mortgage RD Loans


Here’s some benefits of using the VA Home Loan program:

  • First of all the VA loan is a 100% loan.  If the seller or the lender is paying for the veteran’s closing costs and prepaid taxes and insurance, the veteran gets to buy his or her home with nothing down.   In the current market and today is July 1st, 2017, competition to purchase homes is stiff in most of the cities around the country. For that reason, Evolve Bank and Trust (the Memphis office where I work every day is temporarily paying all of the VA lender closing costs fees for our military veterans on their VA loan.)

The advantage here is the veteran can still buy his home and not have to ask the seller to pay ALL of his costs.  They could still pay some but well over $1,000 is being paid by Evolve Bank.  This puts the veteran in a much more competitive position if she is trying to get her offer accepted against other offers being made by other people trying to buy the same property.

  • The VA loan does not have a monthly VA fee that has to be paid each month.  VA has one lump sum that is added to the top of the loan called a VA Funding Fee, but there is not monthly fee like you see on FHA government loans or the Rural Housing 100% government loan.  This keeps the house payment lower for the borrower. Some funding fees can also be waived under certain conditions.
  • Veteran Home Loans are assumable.   If the veteran is in a hurry to sell the house or suppose the interest rates go up substantially over the next few years when he is ready to sell, the veteran might find someone who would gladly qualify with the mortgage company servicing the loan. The buyer might gladly pay the veteran a lot more in equity to qualify to assume his loan if the buyer is taking over a 4% interest rate loan when the rates at that time might be 6% or 7%.   If an eligible veteran assumes the VA loan and puts his eligibility on it, the veteran selling the home can free up his VA eligibility again.

Or better yet, call me and let’s talk about YOUR specific purchase or refinance plans.   But you have to talk with me personally to work with me personally.  I want to work with you!  Call me directly at (615) 924-6215 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  I work in every state in the United States.  MAKE YOUR PLAN. LET’S WORK YOUR PLAN. IF THE DEAL WORKS FOR YOU TODAY, LET’S DO IT TODAY.


Excerpts from certification programs written by Terri Murphy

RE: Copy for the Military Residential Specialist and MRP (Military Real Estate Professional) certification/designation for real estate agents

Premise:  Providing a radio show that informs the public that the National Association of Realtors saw a need within the industry to better equip agents to assist our military and veterans with the purchase or sale of their home.

The Military Relocation Professional (MRP) certification is for real estate professionals who want to work with current and former military service members. The MRP certification program educates REALTORS® about working with U.S. service members and their families and veterans to find the housing solutions that best suit their needs and to take full advantage of available benefits and support.

As a co-author of a certification (Certified Military Residential Specialist), which is a CE approved program in over 15 states, as a professional it became apparent to note specific special needs for this segment of our market.  (Buyers, Sellers, Renters)

Here’s what a Realtor can expect from earning this designation:

  • Understanding of the processes and procedures involved in a military relocation and how these impact service members’ relocation and housing choices
  • Ability to provide information to help members through a rent or buy, sell or rent decision-making process
  • Ability to identify and provide services that help service members sell or find and purchase suitable homes
  • The knowledge of the military relocation process you need to guide service members through the real estate transaction
  • Ability to explain the basics of VA financing
  • Access to the members-only marketing tools and resources

For a real estate professional to earn this designation, they must:

Requirements: This designation requires the agent to pass an exam at the end of the core course with an 80% or better score.  They are then in a position to use this professional affiliation as a member in good standing with the National Association of REALTORS®

Process: It requires submitting an online application.  The costs of the course vary from format to sponsor.  The application fee is $195.00

How the Realtor and the Lender can work together

The real estate agent is not an expert at the loan process or credit worthiness. When they partner with a loan professional, the military personnel are assured that they are getting top notch counseling from two experts who are working in tandem to better suit their unique real estate needs.

Important Facts when working with military

Enlisted personnel and junior non-commissioned officers often fall prey to Pay Day or other high cost easy-credit lenders which is the top reason for revoking a security clearance.

Peggy Lau


  • 51% of military respondents reported owning a home compared with 57% of civilians.
  • Compared to 64% of civilians, 93% of all military homeowners reported having a mortgage.
  • Of mortgage borrowers, 10% reported being late on a payment at least one in the last two years.
  • Additionally, 14% of military respondents reported having both a mortgage and a credit card balance of $10,000 or more.


  • 91% of military families have at least one credit card, compared to only 69% of civilians.
  • Compared to 26% of civilians,36% have at least four credit cards
  • 41% of these have $5,000 or more in credit card debt, compared to only 28% of civilians.
  • 27% have $10,000 or more in credit card debt while only 16% of civilians do.
  • 10% have $20,000 or more in credit card debt, compared to 7% of civilians.
  • Of respondents with at least one card in the last 12 months, only 25% of enlisted personnel always paid their credit card in full, compared with 41% of civilians.  



18.8 million

The number of military veterans in the United States in 2015.


   2015 American Community Survey

1.6 million

The number of female veterans in the United States in 2015.


   2015 American Community Survey

Considerations to bear in mind

  • Different needs of the Active  vs. Retired Military Personnel  

Agents and loan professionals must be cognizant of the type of military personnel you are working with: Active duty, or veterans that have recently been deployed from overseas for a period of time and other veterans all have specific needs.  If recently returning from deployment, their reintegration into our free society may take some adjustment.  Issues like PTSD can be triggered simply by the smell of gasoline from a vehicle.  Be aware that these individuals have just endured a much different experience than we have, and it may take some keen awareness on the part of both the agent and the lender to handle properly.  Issues like injuries, depression and other invisible wounds of war will have an impact on their integration back into civilian life.

  • Credit Worthiness:

In addition, the First Command Financial Behaviors Index® in their November survey revealed that respondents said they are experiencing problems with credit card debt (31 percent), overall debt levels (28 percent), and inadequate savings (28 percent) and spending without a budget (27 percent). Vs. 16% of all Americans.  (More info below)    Military is often a targeted population for some businesses to cheating, scamming and overbilling.  In addition, a large percentage of military are young, financially inexperienced and transient.

This means that it is critically important for agents to work closely with their loan partners to adequately counsel their military prospects with options for mortgages, credit repair, and clear cost analysis for home ownership.

  • Documentation Requirements:  

Both the lender and the real estate agent must be helpful and supportive to military personnel to organize the necessary paperwork to purchase a property.  A lender partner professional will develop a checklist of items including the DD214 for active Duty Veterans, Driver, Passport, Military paystubs (LES) Leave & Earnings Statements) , Transfer orders, and where to secure these documents necessary for processing their application for a VA loan.

If a veteran is retired, their DD214 must be legible.  A well trained Military Residential specialist will be able to direct that veteran to secure a copy of their statement online: (

If the military personnel has children they must supply information about monthly costs, liabilities, debts or if there are no child care costs then they must furnish documentation (LOX) stating they have relative/spouse providing care at no cost

If the military prospect is pregnant or planning to become pregnant BEFORE closing on a property – they need to be informed about how that and expenditures during the mortgage approval process can negatively impact their mortgage approval.

  • Hidden issues:

As mentioned earlier, depending on the age and experience of the military prospect, the agent and the loan professional need to pay special attention to items that may impact the monthly expenses for home ownership.  Homeowners Fees, HOA restrictions for pets, fences, parked vehicles, etc. insurance, special assessments if any all need to be clearly discussed so the military prospect understands their monthly obligations.

Another often overlooked issue is school districts.  Most people, let alone military may find a great property and later to only find out this property may be harder to resell due to the school district.  

Additionally, it is critical to understand the military buyer’s plans before investing in a property with a mortgage.  If additional out of the country deployments are possible, then renting a property or buying a property that is easily rentable may be another counseling item to explore.

  • Resources for Agents:

National Association of Realtors – Military Residential Professional Designation

Certified Military Residential Specialist – Certification (not designation)

Join the Local Chamber of Commerce

Look for VFW events in your community and volunteer

Support the BOOTS Campaign

Peggy and Anthony



  • What are the benefits of a VA loan over other loan programs?
  • Dispel some myths and misconceptions that veterans have about the VA Home Loan that cost them money. (Jo covered this in first segment)

Let’s dispel some of the myths and misconceptions about the VA Home Loan that hold veterans back -causing them to miss out on deals that could have brought them great wealth over time.

  • Myth:  The VA mortgage can only be used once in a lifetime. /Wrong- you can get a loan up to 4 times the amount of whatever VA eligibility you have left on your Certificate Of Eligibility. For example if you show $36,000 eligibility, then you are able to get up to $144,000 and if your income-to-debt ratios are acceptable enough, your eligibility can be expanded so you can get a loan up to $424,100 with zero down payment.   But if you have only used $15,000 of your eligibility to buy your first home at $60,000, then you still have some eligibility to buy another home later when you are ready to move from the old home to the new home. 
  • You can have more than one VA loan.  Just like the example above.  If you have not used up all of your eligibility, you might be able to qualify for another VA mortgage.  VA mortgages are for veterans planning to use the home as their primary residence.
  • The VA mortgage can be used to by single-family homes, duplexes, tri-plexes and quadraplexes as long as the veteran lives in one of the units.  You can buy a multi-unit property, live in one unit and rent the other units to tenants.   In many cases the rent from the other tenants can more than cover YOUR payment.    With the rent income from the other tenants in the building, you may find it easy to pay off the mortgage early, saving tens of thousands of dollars.
  • The VA loan can be assumed by another party subject to the lender’s approval
  • You can refinance a VA loan on a streamline program without having to get an appraisal.
  • Currently Evolve Bank (the mortgage department) is paying for the Veterans VA closing fees. This helps the veteran by making their offer to purchase a home more competitive than someone else bidding on the same house. Who is that veteran YOU know that I can help?  You can help a veteran today.  Email me their contact information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let’s love them back.  
  • Veterans getting disability compensation for  service-related medical issues are exempt from having to pay the VA funding fee that is normally added to the loan amount.   Also, surviving spouses of veterans who died in the service or from a service related disability are also exempt from having to pay the VA funding fee and can, on a case-by-case basis, get a VA loan.
  • The maximum loan amount for VA loans is $424,100 for a single family, but the veteran can pay the difference between a higher home price and the maximum loan amount.  The maximum loan amount is higher for 2 to 4 unit properties.
  • For more information about the Veteran Mortgage Program:



  • Talk Shoppe offers free networking & education to anyone interested in real estate or in business. Talk Shoppe meets every Wednesday 9A-10A CT Nova Copy 7251 Appling Farms Parkway Memphis, TN.   This Wednesday July 5th Talk  Shoppe  presents: “Levelle Blanchard, Deputy Director of Shelby County Office of Preparedness with  “If there is an Emergency-Are You Ready?” 
  • Talk Shoppe events are free thanks to advertisers like Dr. Dale and Lee Ann Foster of Neurosource.  Memphis Channel 5 News recently recognized Dr. Dale and Lee Ann for their success treating veterans with PTSD without prescription drugs.   Connect with NeuroSource at (901) 624-0100.
  • Thanks to Talk Shoppe’s Executive Officer, Peggy Lau, retired US Navy line commander.  Peggy can show you how to earn first-class vacations by simply buying everyday items that you are going to buy anyway.  Contact Peggy at (901) 289-0747
  • Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe reminds you that IF THE DEAL WORKS FOR YOU TODAY, DO IT TODAY.





Mary Lou Nowak, Mid-South Home Helpers   (901) 414-9696  Mary Lou knows what to do when it comes to non-medical assistance in the home and smart methods of filing long-term care claims.

Lynn and Troy McDonald of Erin McDonald Insurance Agency (901) 849-7101  You ARE in good hands with you insurance —Lynn’s good hands.

Eric Eurich, Business Coach  Business coaching  Eric Eurich is Talk Shoppe’s business coach too.



Anthony Bradley, Attorney

VA-Accredited Attorney

LL.M Taxation,


Anthony Bradleyis an Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney. He is also a VA Accredited Attorney. With offices in in Germantown, TN, he practices in the areas of Probate Administration and Estate Planning, including: Wills, Irrevocable and Revocable Trusts, Conservatorships,Durable Powers of Attorney, Special Needs Trusts Planning, Miller’s Trusts, Elder Care Planning & Protection, Veterans Administration Pension Planning, including the Non-service-connected VA Aid & Attendance Improved Pension and Service-connected Disability Claims (including Agent Orange & Nehmer Claims), as well as Social Security Disability Claims.

Anthony’s practice areas also include Business Law, Real Estate, and Self-Directed IRA’s. He represents clients in Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Kentucky. He is also a CPA (inactive).

He earned his Bachelor of Accounting, Master of Accountancy, and Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi. He earned his LL.M in Taxation from the University of Miami. He was a judicial law clerk for Justice James L. Roberts of the Mississippi Supreme Court.

He was named as one of the Mid-South Rising Stars in 2008 and 2009. He was a 2-time recipient of the FIVE STAR Best in Client Satisfaction designation for Memphis He is a recipient of the Memphis Business Journal Forty Under 40 Award. He has been selected to Super Lawyers in the years 2010 through 2016.

He was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1996, the Tennessee Bar in 1998, the Arkansas Bar in 2006, and the Kentucky Bar in 2012. He is an Active Participant in Toys For Tots He has earned Martindale-Hubbell® Client Distinction Award based upon clients’ ratings.  He has been named a Five Star Wealth Manager by Five Star Professional.

He is a leading Mid-south educator in the area of the VA Aid & Attendance Improved Pension and other topics related to Estate Planning and Elder Law. He has also been a frequent guest contributor to television news legal segments on FOX13 News “Ask the Attorney” live broadcasts and News Channel 3 for over 10 years.



Author, Speaker, Consultant & Communication Specialist

Terri brings a depth of industry experience and education to the Real Estate Industry. Having earned the GRI, CRS and other designations has helped Terri perform at the top of the real estate industry… at a consistency of listing and selling over 100 homes per year for over 28 years in the Chicago area. Today she performs as a consultant to the real estate and general sales industry to help build communication systems and resources that foster relational capital that result in true clients for life

For more information: Visit or call 847-970-2717


About McKenzie Mortgage RD Loans

cell: (901) 482 0354

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  Twitter: @jogarner

Jo describes her job description: As a mortgage loan officer, my job is to give my client the benefits they want from their financing terms– listening to my client and determine what’s of the most value to THEM–  What is their comfort level on a house payment, how much are they comfortable paying down, what type of financing do they need to get the house they want to buy or refinance. Different clients have different priorities in life—some are buying their first home with very little down payment funds.  Some are recovering from medical challenges, divorces or preparing to send children to college and some are embarking on a long term goal of buying properties to build rental income. Whatever their personal priorities are, my job is to put together a mortgage with comfortable terms that will help them achieve their goals.”

McKenzie Mortgage RD Loans is a mortgage officer with extensive knowledge in tailoring mortgages to her customers who are refinancing or purchasing homes all over the country.  She offers conventional, FHA, VA or other loan programs for refinancing and purchases.  

Jo can help you look at rent vs buy, when it makes sense to refinance, how to get the best deal on your home  purchase financing.   

McKenzie Mortgage RD Loans  has been in the real estate/financing business for over 20 years.  She got her start in Portland, Maine where she first began her real estate career. She received her real estate education from the University of Southern Maine  and was personally mentored in San Diego, California  by Robert G. Allen, author of Nothing Down, Creating Wealth and The Challenge. 

On moving back to West Tennessee in 1987, she went into business buying and selling discounted owner-financed notes secured on real estate.  In 1990 Jo went to work for a residential mortgage company and has been a mortgage loan officer for over 20 years.  Her goal is to offer excellent, affordable service to her customers, tailoring the loan programs to the specific needs of her clients.  

In addition to her work in the mortgage field, McKenzie Mortgage RD Loans  is the primary sponsor and founder of Talk Shoppe in Memphis.  Jo is host of Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe  and currently publishes on her b