Home Staging Tips and Tricks for Home SellersWhen it comes to selling a home, how it’s presented to viewers is everything. Staging is one of the most important parts of the home selling process, as it can encourage a higher selling price and a shorter time during which the home stays on the market.

How do sellers make good choices when staging? Here are some DIY home staging tips to give sellers an edge, even in competitive markets like Franklin.

1. Cut out Clutter

When walking through a home, buyers want to be able to see the actual home. Before letting anyone inside, make sure to get rid of any garbage that may be laying around such as cardboard boxes or plastic grocery bags. Make sure toys are put away and laundry baskets are away in closets where they won’t draw any unwanted attention. This is also a good time to put away mundane things like newspapers and magazines that sit around and take up a lot of space.

2. Rent a Storage Facility

Sometimes cutting out all the excess means moving furniture out of the home. But where should it go? For furniture that’s no longer wanted, there’s always the possibility of holding a garage sale or donating to Goodwill. But for things that need to leave only temporarily, consider renting a storage facility for a few months until the home is sold. The cost of renting a storage facility depends on how large it is, it’s common to pay around $50 for a small one.

3. Don’t Forget Curb Appeal

When people think of “home staging” they typically only think of the inside of the home. However, what goes outside a home is just as important as what goes inside. Here are some easy curb appeal projects to do when selling a home:

  • Mow the lawn regularly
  • Weed the garden
  • Paint the front door
  • Repair damaged fences
  • Put fresh mulch in flower beds

It isn’t necessary to hire a landscaper to improve a home’s curb appeal. Taking care of what’s already there can do wonders for making a home more inviting to buyers.

4. Repaint Instead of Replacing

Cabinets are a popular renovation when it comes to preparations for selling a home, but buying and installing all new cabinets can be expensive. Instead of replacing, try repainting or re-staining the cabinets that are already there. This can be an effective way to make them look new without spending thousands of dollars to replace them.

5. Put Away “Conversation Pieces”

Perhaps one of the home’s room is dedicated to a collection of vintage dolls. While this may be the homeowner’s pride and joy, strange décor choices can make buyers viewing the home focus on the furniture rather than the home itself. The same also goes for things like political and religious memorabilia. It’s best to put these sorts of things away until after the home has been sold.

6. Depersonalize the Space

When it comes to home staging, one of the most important tools professionals use is to get rid of anything that shows the home is owned by another person. This includes things like family photos, certificates, degrees, and anything that has a name on it. Getting rid of these things will allow viewers to more easily imagine themselves living in the home.

Anyone is capable of staging a home, regardless of if they’re a professional or not. These six tips are only a few of the possible ways to make a home look like it’s had a professional hand in it, even if the homeowner has no prior experience.