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Full Circle

by NRA Foundation Staff and Ian Quimby - Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Full Circle

During the holiday season, we value the extra time spent with family and close friends.

We relish the shared moments with the people we love. For one of our newest Field Representatives, time spent with his family and community members at Friends of NRA events make up some of his fondest memories. Growing up in the tight-knit Friends of NRA community set Ian Quimby on a path to find a lifelong passion that would lead to a fulfilling career as the Oregon and Washington Field Representative for the National Rifle Association. As one of the newest members of our team, we caught up with Ian about his experiences with the Friends program.

The Quimbys were an integral part of the Douglas County Friends of NRA Committee throughout Ian’s childhood and still take an active role today. Ian started attending events at a young age, and as he got older he become more involved.

“Friends has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. My father was the chairman for the Douglas County Committee and some of my earliest memories were helping set up at the Friends of NRA events. As I got older, I was able to become more involved with the committee and gain a better understanding as to what we were raising money for.”

While in high school, Ian was part of a group of elite high school students who were accepted into the National Youth Education Summit, a weeklong leadership conference where his passion for the Second Amendment continued to grow.

“It was through YES that I was able to understand just how important the money we raise at Friends events is. Friends of NRA and the NRA Foundation change the lives of our youth and it definitely changed mine,” said Ian. “The national NRA programs supported by the funds raised at these events are some of the best programs to educate people about the importance of our Second Amendment; that is why Friends of NRA has always been very important to me.”

Although Ian initially planned to take a different career path as a Wildland firefighter after college, he heard that the Field Representative in his area was retiring and he couldn’t pass up the chance to apply. “I was excited to find out that I would be representing the NRA as the Field Representative here in Oregon and Washington, leading the state fundraising efforts for Friends of NRA and hopefully shaping other youth as this program has shaped me.”

His favorite part of the job so far is “working with the volunteers who put these events together. These folks are the backbone of the program and getting to know each and every one of the volunteers I work with, is by far my favorite part. Every volunteer is passionate about the Second Amendment, and being able to work with these folks is a rewarding experience that makes this the best job that I could ask for.”

For Ian and many others like him, family and Friends of NRA come together because of a shared passion. This passion is fueled by stepping stones, such as Y.E.S. and other grant funded programs, that continue to create future leaders through education and help set them on a trajectory towards success.

If you or someone you know would like to get involved with a Friends of NRA committee near you, visit today! Happy holidays!

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