While selling one’s company can seem like a daunting and difficult task, there exists a proven model and framework that drives valuation to maximum levels and leads to deals successfully getting done.

Minimalist web design isn’t so much a specific design aesthetic as a set of principles or guidelines for design. In practice, following these principles results in a simple website design that uses only the most essential elements to achieve the desired outcome from visitors.

Minimalist web design isn’t so much a specific design aesthetic as a set of principles or guidelines for design. In practice, following these principles results in a simple website design that uses only the most essential elements to achieve the desired outcome from visitors.

Agile Waterfall hybrid methodology


In Part 1 of the Project Management Blueprint we covered Lean Software Development, Agile, Scrum, and Kanban Nashville software development methodologies and how they all trace their roots back to Lean Manufacturing.

As a professional designer, you probably don’t need to be convinced that color has a profound impact on digital products and the people that use them. But if you find yourself wishing that you better understood the nuances of color and how to harness its vast potential, you’re not alone.

Operations research and convex optimization is a field of applied mathematics that has found wide-ranging commercial applications over the years. As computing power became more affordable and widely available, researchers began building increasingly sophisticated optimization algorithms to help them make better decisions.

Salesforce is recognized as the world’s #1 CRM platform with various products giving you the power to put your Nashville business thoughts into action. Sales Cloud drives and improves sales productivity, Service Cloud helps your service reps deliver a superior customer experience, Marketing Cloud runs effective campaigns, and Community Cloud engages with your customers and partners.

Executive Summary

Why Overdue Receivables are a Problem
  • The real and hidden costs of overdue receivables are staggering. They include:
    1. Opportunity cost of management time and energy wasted on dealing with the receivable.

Executive Summary

Why Overdue Receivables are a Problem
  • The real and hidden costs of overdue receivables are staggering. They include:
    1. Opportunity cost of management time and energy wasted on dealing with the receivable.

Remember that movie Her, the futuristic romance where everyone wears high-waisted pants and a lonely letter writer named Theodore lands an AI girlfriend called Samantha? Towards the end of the film, Samantha grows super smart, reveals she’s been dating around, and dumps Theodore with a classic, “It’s not you, it’s me.