Remember that movie Her, the futuristic romance where everyone wears high-waisted pants and a lonely letter writer named Theodore lands an AI girlfriend called Samantha? Towards the end of the film, Samantha grows super smart, reveals she’s been dating around, and dumps Theodore with a classic, “It’s not you, it’s me.

Executive Summary

Why is Python a great programming language for finance professionals to learn?
  • Python is a high-level programming language, meaning that it abstracts away and handles many of the technical aspects of programming, such as memory management, that must be explicitly handled in other languages.

Executive Summary

Why is Python a great programming language for finance professionals to learn?
  • Python is a high-level programming language, meaning that it abstracts away and handles many of the technical aspects of programming, such as memory management, that must be explicitly handled in other languages.

By 1999, eBay had become America’s leading auction site and was expanding into new global markets. With its eyes on Japan, eBay replicated their US model, bought a local domain, and translated their site into Japanese.

Front-end and JavaScript in particular are a strange world. The amount of new things being rolled out on a daily basis is often ridiculed by people that don’t work with them, and many that do.

Seeing red. Feeling blue. Green with envy.

Popular idioms show that people have long associated colors with the emotions they evoke. People associate red with anger (or lust), blue with depression, and since at least Shakespeare’s day, green with jealousy.

State management is a very important piece of architecture to consider when developing a web app.

In this tutorial, we’ll go over a simple approach to manage state in an Angular application that uses Firebase as its back end.

Executive Summary

Why is a go to market strategy important?
  • Venture capitalists look for companies that can grow to be worth $100+ million.
  • Such companies will have a good product that people want to buy and a good idea of how to get them to buy it—a go to market strategy.

Design is often looked at as an art rather than a science. In reality, it’s both. The art of design should be influenced by the science of data and information. Collecting and analyzing data is key to creating better designs and user experiences.

Design is often looked at as an art rather than a science. In reality, it’s both. The art of design should be influenced by the science of data and information. Collecting and analyzing data is key to creating better designs and user experiences.