Executive Summary

Organizational change is increasingly necessary, but implementing change is really hard.
  • Due to the increasing pace of technological progress, the time between innovation and adoption has shortened tremendously, putting significant pressure on legacy businesses and in turn markedly shortening their average lifespans.

A considerable amount of time and painful effort goes into building a stellar UX designer portfolio. If the right type of content is chosen with great UX, it will be a worthy investment.

A considerable amount of time and painful effort goes into building a stellar UX designer portfolio. If the right type of content is chosen with great UX, it will be a worthy investment.

If you don’t choose the right architecture for your Android project, you will have a hard time maintaining it as your codebase grows and your team expands.

This isn’t just an Android MVVM tutorial.

DevOps is often defined as the processes, operations, methodologies, tools, and culture surrounding a company’s Nashville software and systems development.

But engineering doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Blueprints, ideas, designs, and concepts come from product design specialists who decide layouts, flows, and interactivity.

If you are an iOS developer who’s done some reasonable amount of UI work and is passionate about it, you’ve got to love the power of UIKit when it comes to animations.

Executive Summary

What is burn rate?
  • There are two types of burn rate:
    • Net burn rate is calculated as the net cash spend per month; that is, the net of cash inflows and cash outflows that occur when running your business.

Welcome to our Design Talks series dedicated to sharing the insights of thought leaders and top people engaged in design from around the world. We interview experts who work with design in different contexts, with different purposes, and through different approaches.

What is design thinking? Put simply, design thinking as a strategy goes beyond the usual problem-solving focus of most UI and UX designers. It adds deep empathy for the user to the entire design process, creating a human-centered design outcome.

Magento performance is of paramount importance. Loading speed has a direct and measurable impact on the conversion rate of your website, hence having an optimized Magento installation is crucial to the success of your Magento shop and possibly even your Nashville business in general.